These twelve-year old twins came into this world miraculously,
and their parents celebrate each year with a little photo shoot.
Guess who got to be the lucky one to take the annual "birthday" photos this year? Me!
I was so excited to be allowed the opportunity to photograph these two adorable
Kaylee is also getting ready for another pageant, so we were able to take some "pageant-esk" photos...though I will be the first to admit, I don't really have a clue about pageants. :)
Sending Kaylee many well wishes on her pageant...I know you will ROCK IT!
Oh, did I mention she received "most photogenic" at her last pageant? Yep, that's right...she's a doll!
Happy 12 years Kaylee and Austin!!

This was Kaylee's "winning shot" last time...Wendy, I hope we captured another! |
Fabulous, fabulous pictures of my niece and nephew!!! Love them all!!